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Why I was fired for Whistleblowing in a Mental Health Program who were aggressively assaulting helpless patients


Notes on my Employer’s Abuse of Power - My Case

I confronted their paranoid false beliefs. I should've known better than to treat a paranoid patient.

I raised profoundly disturbing questions of this Health Care Program that is based on a culture of fear and secrecy.

I only encountered Perversions by those who insisted on ‘Lording over Me’ in the course of my seeking Justice for our Patients and the public.

The Managers I laid a complaint against were the same as the ones who fired me.

 I have been giving a voice to victims of abuse my entire career.

The slandering lynch mob within this program has spoken. There is no commitment to change this incompetent oppressive toxic culture.

They are all trapped in their self-defeating sense of untouchable superiority.

They violated upholding basic policy and legal expectations.

They do not represent basic Canadian values.

I was screwed over in the same manner as the public is screwed over by this corrupted program.

I was punished for seeking justice. I was ignored and told to shut up and go away.

As long as I worked for this program there has been intentional and repeated denial of systemic abuses within the Program.

I experienced institutional retaliation for standing up for patient rights to a safe environment

They used terror and intimidation in the name of public safety to justify repression and oppression.

They used classic Tactics of Abuse – Entitlement, Power and Control, and Retaliation 

The MH management team is violent, irrational, intolerant, tribal and steeped in bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry and coercive towards the staff that works in the program.

They have projected their toxic shame on me.

Assaulting patients has become normalized within this treatment program.

I gave evidence that at a minimum was embarrassing to evidence that alleged that they were breaking the law.

The Corporation will weather this attack and will become stronger.  The whistleblower is the equivalent of a vaccine for those in positions of abuse of power.

I was simply an employee who wanted to defend the public's trust.

They were threatened by hearing the Truth.

There's a breakdown in the legitimacy and credibility of the organization.

 The corrupted individuals have overwhelming resources to retaliate against me.

Committing to the truth has ruined me professionally. 

Immediately following my disclosure, they began to deny and lie.

If I had remained silent, I would have been complicit and condoned his actions as well as the manager. I simply refused to be complicit.

An era of deepening corruption will now follow.

The people who don't want to disclose the truth are those people who have something to hide.

Whistleblowers can and often do become unlawfully fired from their jobs.

I had insufficient power to hold my employer accountable and neither did anyone else for that matter. 

I thought they would investigate but instead, the hammer came down on me, they butchered the messenger.

To deter future whistleblowers is the reason that the employer came down so hard to protect further internal disclosures. New safeguards were developed to prevent any exposure of their abuse of power in the future.

I felt that the line had been crossed in the unit concerning the prevalence of incivility and malpractice. They defy such drawing of any such moral line. The absolute power that I came up against is always arbitrary and nihilistic. 

Demonstrates an obvious corporate arrogance.

Negligent in performing their duties. They need to be charged with obstruction of justice and sued for damages by all the victims who go to them for care.

All cruelty comes from weakness.

Unfortunately, I will remain simply a ‘one-off’ as I won’t be able to establish a pattern.

They simply see themselves above the law, untouchable. All criminals believe they are innocent.

Engaged in an active cover-up at high levels

Buried the critical truth to never let it be investigated

“Find and fry the leaker”, became management’s obsession.

The ultimate retaliation was to terminate me and lodge a malpractice complaint of my practice to the College. An obvious Sham investigation supported by elements within the College itself.

The law requires that a supervisor who learns that a subordinate has complained to HR (or to a government agency) concerning the supervisor's own behaviour shall not lodge any further allegations against this subordinate.  The union failed to protect once again against this manager’s retaliatory action.

They manufactured evidence against me and supplied a false rationale for my termination.

The vendetta against me only grew as time went on.

Instead of investigating, they railroaded me.

This is a corporate team motivated by tyranny and depraved indifference.  

Those individuals that use these services in this province become caught up in a cycle of oppression imposed by a Health Care Program becoming only increasingly mentally disturbed, and having to return to tier oppressors.

It is simply common sense to report what is viewed as physical abuse of a venerable person whether out in public or at the worksite.  Don’t we all have a duty to protect others?  Are hospitals somehow excluded?

Protecting the guilty. A culture of Cover-Up

Many people become complicit through their contribution to active cover-ups or silence.

Our reporting of this allegation was made to expose the harsh realities.  Such a betrayal of the elderly and their loved ones must not be tolerated in a civil society

“All individuals must speak up very clearly in opposition to any harm to innocent persons.”

Corruption by these same individuals inflicts daily humiliation on persons in their care.

 We can't have an open democratic government if you attack whistleblowers.

Retaliation is illegal under the protection of the Persons in Care Act. All employees are accountable to the citizens that they serve to protect them from harm and injustice.

The management brought the hammer down on me within days of reporting in good faith incidents of patient abuse. A campaign of increasingly disciplinary action was taken against me. Their investigations consisted of whatever they could to eliminate me and silence me.

Violent retaliatory tactics in violation of Provincial Laws

I was eventually fired because I came forward to report something entirely basic to my 38-year practice. Staff abusing patients!!!!!!

I was terminated as they feared I would only expose them further, all the closely guarded program and personnel secrets.

 Vindictive and malicious targeting of me.

Trumped-up allegations by my enemies to make sure I was buried silenced and destroyed.

I was targeted simply to lose power. Not just me but any RN in the program that disagreed with the managers.

“Club Culture” with insiders and outsiders.

Punitive culture for reporting malpractice

I challenged the Abuser of Power within the program that was betraying the public trust.

I had to endure a tidal wave of retaliatory counter-attacks.

Loyalty to the prevailing hegemony is more important than professional merit.

They are not committed to simple Truths. They are very ‘Sick’ indeed.

They invented constant distractions from the real issues.

There isn't anything about this case that isn't sick and twisted.

These managers are responsible for the operations and oversight of this institution. Instead, complete dereliction of duty was their only response.

My reputation is irreversibly damaged based on slanderous and false allegations.

My core values are based on dignity, courage and honesty.

The managers of this program have a legal duty to protect the public instead of the protection of medical professionals ahead of the protection of the public.

In the 30 years, I've brought hope to others and yet I was terminated.

I'm more concerned with helping others than those who are just helping themselves.

 My dignity was assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked. Nothing new there. This Health Care Program does it all the time to the innocent public.  I have been witness to the same violence towards countless innocent and vulnerable citizens since my employment began here in this ugly and deprived workplace culture.

They have been peddling ‘The Big Lie’ to the public all along.

I did more than ruffle a few feathers, I made many enemies by challenging their status quo

There is no greater wrath than that of a Corporation spurned.

To go forward with a legal case against them would only result in at least half a dozen defamation of character suits against me. I have been simply outmuscled by a violent mob.

There are individuals within a Corporation that have no loyalty to the public. They are delusional. entitled and depravedly self-serving.

Even non-professionals know exactly what happened in my case and the type of personality disorders I had to deal with. They constitute an abusive culture. There's an entire lack of protection for the vulnerable.

I'm a person of conscience that is really the only reason I spoke out.

They made an extraordinary effort, a massive amount of energy to silence me.

Toxic accusers and manipulators of the truths.

Why are they so vigorously defending their position?

By their corporate hubris, they have attempted to destroy my dignity as well as the dignity of other staff and of course patients themselves because of their hubris

The truths within my case speak for themselves.

Their ‘crazy making’ lies.

Everyone was afraid of the abuser and his patterns of behavior to call him out.

They will just find another victim and move on to target another honest person and destroy them as well.

They are busy destroying the organization.

Managers prefer to set up ‘divide and conquer’ staff through manipulation, backstabbing and smearing.

I said “NO” to them and that has never been done before. They simply lost control. There is nothing like someone’s mask slipping revealing the hidden murderous rage just below the surface always on the hunt for the next victim.

The program was built around fear and loathing.

Why so much fear and loathing against me for simply asking for a review?

Culture of integrity versus a culture of corruption.

When whistleblowers are retaliated against for reporting crimes, we all should be very scared.

A culture of integrity is where doing the right thing, and speaking up, are the norms.

These individuals simply cast themselves as competitors internally and lied and engaged in unethical behavior to gain an edge. They believe that they must engage in unethical activity to succeed.

They have the belief that they are too big to fail.

Paying out large monetary Settlement charades continue within the management group.

Failed to hold any individual accountable for their crimes and didn't disclose key details to the public.

Their ethic is if “you aren’t cheating you are not trying hard enough”.

A democratic society cannot tolerate having public corporations such as hospitals above the law.

The widespread belief is that corruption is a necessary part of their jobs. They believe that they must engage in illegal or unethical behavior just to get ahead in their career.

They have a fiduciary duty to obey the law and put the interest of the public first.

The real problem is not complex. A gang of bad actors running wild with the public trust they are responsible for.

Workplace culture and astonishing ethical decline. No one is taking a stand for integrity.

Hate, greed, fear and lack of leadership got me terminated.

Cowardiceness always lies in the fertile soil of evil. Cowards permit the wicked to take root and grow. In human society, wicked men will inevitably come along seeking power all for their self-glory. They will take the reins of power and enslave others.

My values and principles are simply too incompatible to ensure any healthy workplace relationship.

If these ‘walking dead’ individuals can do this to me what do you think they are doing to the public who use their services?

All Evil Doers in the end face severe retribution. All it takes is time and pressure.

What a personal blessing it was for me to have the opportunity to take up the defence, along with many, many others, worldwide of our basic Rights to Human Dignity and Ethical Care when faced with the usual delusional and depraved minds of those suffering from Cluster B Personality Disorders. Those that commit Evil acts are always blind to these evils by the usual Ego defences of   Projection, Defection, Denial and myth-making Rationalizations. They live in an alternative fairytale universe. Nothing new there.

Back to my Joy, Freedom and living in Truth




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