A satirical letter of Resignation from the nursing unit I used to work on in 2 _ _ _ , that I came across today.
“Hi my name is … and I work in SSU, AMHS, ER, Mobile, SW, and / or management.
I am entitled to everything before me. I am part of the chosen people, certainly not like those low-lives who do all the real work on the floor. They are just our slaves. Respect for them, what is that? I don’t even notice them. I’m too busy looking at myself in the mirror. I know I seem selfish, deceitful, and anti-team but believe me I’m not. I will admit that I am unusually talented, intelligent, exceptional, almost famous, at times prone to delusions of grandeur but isn’t personal self- glory what life is about?
Morals and ethics don’t exist, do they? I wouldn’t know what to look for if they were right in front of me. I can do whatever I want. I’ve got friends that I bribed and bullied that got me this position in the first place. I’m part of the gang who lust for power, the exact opposite of service above self. We have formed many different pacts with one another for the sole reason of power, privilege and perks over others. We turn on each other as necessary to maintain our superior status. I always need to be in control of others to feel secure and important.
My very identity/self-esteem feeds off their imposed lower status that I and the rest of we thugs / the mob, help create in the first place. I am devoid of real empathy and completely unable to establish a trusting relationship. How could I, all I do is lie all the time making my life and me no more than “The Big Lie”. Abuse of power over other people is my specialty. I’ve been lusting after these skills my entire career. I simply mimic my mentors (whoever I need to form a pact with at the time) who have mimicked their mentors and so on and so on.
Yes I have my own brain, and yea I’m an individual. (I think) I’m not sure but I think I care about others, maybe, maybe not. I’m not sure? I am constantly trying to master the latest Nurse-Speak to give the appearance I know what I am talking about but I don’t have the faintest clue what the words mean or how to apply them. Thank goodness I have the right to inflict pain on others and get away with it as I do it all the time and oh let me tell you …. It feels so good!
Yes, I am God, maybe ‘The God of All’. That other God fellow is such a bore, He threatens my lofty status. He would only take my throne and I would become only an ordinary man like all those I have stood on their backs my entire life. No, I will fight, smear and deny God to the end of my days. My lust for power and privilege is all I live for.
I leave you now as I have exhausted all the narcissistic fuel
from this place, and now I need more based on the inherent superiority that lately
my sycophants and enablers are not praising and pleasing me enough, the way I like it the most. Goodbye Losers. Sucks to be You and not Me.
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