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Profile of my last couple of Bully Managers in my 38 yrs. Career - Both had a obvious Cluster 'B' Personality Disorder


The Wannabe

Motivation: craves respect for being a competent professional despite lacking in any real competence and professionalism. Most often had Love-less childhood. Have opted for respect for this missing Love. If respect is with- held will use any type FEAR generating tactics – From outright violence and cruelty to more covert hidden strategies.

Mindset: deceptive hence entire manipulative lifestyle.
Malice: low to medium; when held accountable, medium to high

  • similar to the attention-seeker
  • is one of life's chronic underperformers and is best described as ineffectual in everything
  • craves undeserved respect and attention and will go to considerable lengths to acquire them
  • hangs around the fringes of a profession
  • not professionally qualified but claims they are professional because they sit next to one or work alongside or near or among professionals, or provide services to professionals
  • lacks the ability, competence and professionalism to be a qualified professional
  • wants so much to be seen as a competent professional person but is unable and unwilling to put in the work to achieve this
  • is unable and unwilling to apply knowledge gained from experience but instead devotes time and effort to improving skills of deception, manipulation, false claim, denial and projection
  • may have been rejected by their chosen profession for lack of competence
  • is spiteful towards and despises anyone who is qualified in the profession from which the bully has been excluded by virtue of lack of competence
  • is likely to be vilifying the profession they want to belong to or which they're claiming to be part of or which they are claiming to represent
  • displays a deep-seated envy and jealousy of the professionals that he or she works alongside or claims to serve
  • harbours a bitter resentment, grudge, distaste and contempt for the professionals that he or she works alongside or claims to serve
  • is likely to be criticizing, condemning, disadvantaging and causing detriment to the professionals he or she works alongside or claims to serve
  • may seek positions of power over the professionals he or she works alongside or claims to serve, perhaps to facilitate a compulsion to criticize, condemn, disadvantage and cause detriment
  • is irresistibly drawn to organizations, roles and positions which offer the wannabe power and control over the professionals s/he despises (eg inspection regimes, approval roles, regulatory bodies, tick sheet compliance schemes, the political correctness police, trade union official, etc) - and is often described as a talentless jobsworth
  • when in a position of power associates with and makes alliances with or surrounds him or herself with clones, drones, minions, fellow wannabes, sycophants and brown-nosers
  • instinctively objects to any suggestion of change, reform, improvement, progress or evolution, but has no viable or positive alternatives of their own
  • opposes every idea, suggestion, opinion, contribution or reform on principle but has no original, positive, constructive ideas or contributions of his or her own
  • is likely to plagiaries and steal others' ideas which are then put forward as their own
  • may place undue emphasis or reliance on an old, minor or irrelevant qualification to bolster their claim of belonging to or deserving to belong to a profession
  • may claim ambiguous or misleading or bogus or fraudulent qualifications, associations and experience
  • displays a superior sense of entitlement because they associate with or serve higher performers
  • emotionally immature
  • controlling
  • easily provoked
  • when challenged is adept at rewriting history to portray themselves as competent, professional and successful, regardless of multiple witnesses and overwhelming evidence to the contrary
  • quickly and loudly feigns victimhood when exposed and held accountable, often repeatedly and loudly accusing the person holding them accountable of being a bully
  • when held accountable makes conflicting and contradictory threats and demands (eg demands apology but orders the other person not to communicate with them)
  • when held accountable makes lots of loud but empty threats (eg of legal action such as libel, slander, defamation etc)
  • only carries out threats of legal action when in the presence of a superior serial bully, especially a sociopath type
  • may indulge their jealousy and envy of professionals or those they claim to serve by pursuing vindictive vendettas, sometimes with the help of a superior serial bully, especially a sociopath type
  • is easily manipulated and controlled by a superior serial bully
  • female wannabes may be arch bullies (some people might call them puppet masters or queen bees)
  • may surround herself with drones of the opposite sex
  • may exploit some perceived vulnerability in self to ensure drone loyalty
  • gives the appearance of loyalty to drones but will discard them when they've served their purpose
  • is likely to have affairs to gain power, status or position



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