A Bully in the workplace Basic Concepts
The Bully is at the source of stress. They are the trigger, the stressor. How the Body and Mind respond to this (these) stressors determines the extent of damage inflicted.
The sequence of Biological stress is well known. There are three stages:
1. The Alarm: The turning on of the body's defense systems that are designed to be brief for it is truly widespread in its effect through the body. It enables the ‘flight or fight’ response in the face of danger both physical and psychological. The body reacts the same to fright from the impending pounce of a tiger as it does to the insult from of Workplace Bully. Alarm triggers the sympathetic nervous system and the Releases of Adrenaline, in addition to many other functions.
2. Resistance. The maintenance of an alert stage of the body. Resistance to the bully and all that that this requires depletes the body's defenses. If you stay in Resistance too long, the body will rebound when it's finally turn off.
3. Exhaustion. Which can lead to death if the stressor never disappears and the body and mind must fight indefinitely. Exhaustion is a full system break down, mentally and physically. It demands that the stressor be removed, or it will claim your life. To get to exhaustion, you have to ignore all the warning signs that your body is giving you both physically and psychologically.
The following are some of the psychological and physical effects of this sustained Stress.
Emotional/psychological effects from mild to severe
- Poor concentration.
- Stress Anxiety,
- Irritability.
- Mood swings, Spontaneous crying.
- Loss of sense of humor.
- Indecisiveness.
- Social withdraw from co-workers, family, and friends.
- Panic attacks, depression.
- Feelings of insecurity, being out of control.
- Nightmares about the bullying.
- Obsessive thinking about the bully.
- Anticipating the next attack hypervigilance.
- Loss of sleep, Fatigue
- Shattered faith in self-confidence and feelings of worthlessness.
- Shame and harassment and guilt. Posttraumatic stress disorder. Possible suicide following a prolonged clinical depression that goes untreated violent and displaced rage.
Physical / Biological effects mild to severe
- Reduced immunity to infections, colds, flu.
- Stress Headaches.
- Indigestion
- Arthritis.
- Asthma.
- Hyperthyroidism.
- Hypertension . . .
- Peptic ulcers.
- Coronary thrombosis.
- Heart attack from long-term stress.
Bully Tactics.
Direct Verbal - (It’s all about Power)
- Yelling,
- Angry outbursts rude,
- Accusations of wrongdoing,
- Put down insult
- Belittling comments,
- Threat of job loss
- Discounting a of thoughts or feelings of the target
- Personal criticism
- Attempts to belittle and confuse
- Openly breaks their own rules and policy but is very harsh when a Victims does the same. “Do as I say not as I do.”
Indirect verbal
- Initiating untrue rumors or Gossip.
- Breach of confidentiality shares private information about a person with other workers.
- Assigning meaningless or dirty tasks as punishment.
- Withholds or denies opportunities or resources.
- Steals the credit of work done by the target.
Behavioral nonverbal bully tactics:
- Aggressive eye contact, glaring.
- Avoids eye contact with the target speaks.
- Ignores by giving the silent treatment.
- An intimidating gesture such as the slamming things, throwing objects.
- Negative reactions to contributions made by the target.
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