The holy
The holy narcissist is one of the especially effective
members of the narcissistic brethren. The attraction of religion but moreover
being a member of the clergy carries with it considerable advantages for those
of our kind who manage to install themselves within organized religion.
The holy narcissist is nigh on impeachable. What better
authority can there be for always being right, always having the high ground
and always being revered than as an instrument of God? The holy narcissist has
the supreme power in his corner and a book full of phrases and sentences that
he can turn to in support of his wisdom. He is here to do good work and by
virtue of his position, he is assumed to be truthful, kind, compassionate and
empathic. The holy narcissist has one of the most effective facades one might
hope to see amongst our kind. His is not a façade which has to be worked at
through the careful application of community works, diligent industry at work
and all-round good guy in the neighbourhood. No, the holy narcissist has
centuries of instilled goodness to drape around him in an impenetrable cloak of
goodness. He has saints and apostles marching behind him, archangels hovering
above him, charitable works to point to, the salvation of the sick, the poor
and the needy, all woven into this vast façade.
Once he joins the clergy he can avail himself of this façade
in an instant. There is no steady and incremental accumulation of the veneer of
respectability like the rest of our kind but instead it is akin to placing a
cloak around himself and immediately he has a façade and not just a façade, but
perhaps the ultimate façade on which to rely.
He is the embodiment of goodness, God’s word flows through
him and as such he can act with unquestionable authority. He has zealots ready
to support him and to shout down the heretics. Even though organized religion
may not wield the power that it once did, one would be foolish to underestimate
its effect still. Even those who do not believe and readily bait and insult
those who do, are likely to think twice before attacking a man of the cloth.
They wear God’s armour and the indoctrination of people, even those who have
rejected the notion of such a being, means they would hesitate before launching
some kind of attack against a member of the clergy. I have seen it happen.
Those who are vociferous in all other aspects still show deference to that
dog collar.
A position in religion appeals greatly to our kind. You are
blessed with an instant authority. You have scriptures, texts and readings
which are used as a form of law to castigate mortal man and thus allow the
holy narcissist to maintain superiority. There are grand and ornate ceremonies
which the holy narcissist is the centre of. He dresses differently from the
simplicity of the Catholic black which distinguished from others in the
community to the papal splendour of the man (almost) at the top. Decadence,
shiny and glittering decadence abounds and he even is able to stand at preach
at his fellow man and woman. How does he do so? From the elevated position of
the pulpit. Proof, if proof were needed that he is greater than those around
him and finds himself part way between heaven and earth.
Where confession plays a part he is able to absorb the sins
of his worshippers. The narcissist always needs to know and of course knowledge
is power. Being privy to the foibles, sins and vulnerabilities of someone on
the other side of that screen (who is of course readily known) vests
considerable power in the holy narcissist. He is able to scold and upbraid and
is thanked for doing so. He doles out devaluation on a daily basis and is met with
the grateful thanks of those who seek absolution.
Should you offend him you are not just discarded but you are
banished, made a pariah and few can smear you so darkly as one who apparently
operates from the side of light. Step out of line with the holy narcissist and
see how quickly the community is mobilised against you. You are snubbed at
church (if you dare to appear) and this tarring and feathering leaks out into
the community as a whole as the holy narcissist does not just have a coterie
but he has a congregation. He does not just have Lieutenants, he has vergers
and sextons, he has bishops and archbishops who will close ranks and turn their
backs on those who speak ill of one of their own.
Try to speak out and expose the holy narcissist and he will
describe you as ‘troubled’ and that he will pray for you, further advancing how
filled with goodness he is and there must be something seriously wrong and
deviant with you if you are resorting to making accusations against man
of the cloth.
The holy narcissist has a position of considerable
privilege. An ancient and powerful institution which resolutely supports him,
the commanding word of God to dispense, the impressive façade and always the
capacity to exploit a person’s fear of their own mortality. As it has been
stated before, there were no atheists in the trenches. When the chips are down
you either call out to God or your mother, usually both. When you know that
despite all appearances, a person still has that need to call on a higher power
when they are in fear, this places you in a powerful position.
This position comes with many benefits but the most
attractive of all is the congregation. A loyal, devout conclave of fuel. Those
who attend services, hold coffee mornings, raise collections, operate soup
kitchens and so forth are the foot soldiers of empathy. They are inherently
good people who care, who are honest and decent and they wish to exhibit their
goodness through good acts and deeds. How they respond and light up when the
holy narcissist moves amongst them thanking them for their endeavours. Their
faces turn to the holy narcissist, rapt with delight, fuel gushing for them as
the holy narcissist sweeps through his worshippers, drinking deep of their
admiration, their love and their compassion. It is these people who are doing
the dirty work, standing in the cold shaking a collecting tin, feeding down and
outs in the less desirable areas of the city and walking mile upon mile to
gather donations for the charity shop or food parcels. The holy narcissist will
tap into this collective goodness and bolt it on to his façade. He will front
the mission’s work, the output as he receives the earnest thanks of the
disadvantaged and yet more fuel.
This congregation will round on transgressors, they will
offer up delicious fuel as a host of secondary sources which has the holy
narcissist positively drenched in the positive fuel. With firebrand enthusiasm,
the holy preacher will set his sights on those who apparently do evil and will
contentedly draw their ire and the associated negative fuel. He is unswayed.
The Big Man has his back and with that it is ever onwards Christian soldiers.
No matter what form this religion might take, there will always be holy
narcissists in their numbers. There is so much that appeals and accords with
the narcissist that organised religion will always attract our kind. The ready
availability of unquestionable moral authority which is plated and welded to
the narcissistic mind set of superiority, omnipotence and grandiosity makes for
a heady concoction indeed. Many struggle to escape the clutches of a holy
narcissist and if they do not comply, they are hammered into submission by one
of the master strokes of organised religion, the concept of guilt.
Empathic individuals are burdened by guilt and with a book
full of quotations that support this construct, the holy narcissist has a field
day as he exploits this inherent trait of those who he deals with. You must
never question him but you must question yourself because you are prone to sin,
you are weighed down by guilt and therefore it is always your fault. It is
manna from heaven for the narcissist. Everything about organised religion
either elevates him or provides him with a set of tools and methods for keeping
his congregation and worshippers submissive, appreciative and loyal. He is able
to call on near total dedication and loyalty and if the occasional member
strays out of line he has the means and the clerical muscle to either bring
them back under his control or banish them into the wilderness. Exerting such
control and being able to reap the fuel rewards demonstrates how supine his
congregation becomes when it is in the hands of the holy narcissist.
No wonder it is referred to as his flock.
Further Reading
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