A few notes from my once
toxic past regarding a previous sadistic employer and the many minions that
enabled and did the malicious dirty work to terminate my career and ruin my
reputation after my exposing / reporting on a series of patient assaults over
many months by a co-worker with friends in high places. I was fired for whistle-blowing
the Truth.
It was a political
vendetta for refusing to keep this one secret of the Program’s, many, many
It was hate speech in an
echo chamber.
They have denied my
humanity and dignity with impunity.
What do you think they
do to the public they are supposed to serve?
What could be a more
basic act of patient advocacy than reporting physical abuse of your patients by
a colleague?
It is all about
controlling the narrative by smear and lies against me to defect, deceive and
distort the truth of their responsibility and culpability of overt patient
abuse that was entirely condoned.
It was obvious when I
first came to this region that the Mental Health Program was still stagnated in
the usual warehousing, institution care approach of the 1970s.
Professional ignorance
and incompetence were ubiquitous. Most were trapped both personally and then of
course professionally in a deterministic, rationalistic and reductionist
mindset seen in young children.
The workplace for me
became entirely intolerable and unethical. Our working group
assumed that there was someone progressive in authority that also shared our
values and would support a review of the program protocols. That was not to be
the case.
Thirty years ago at the
beginning of my career, I reported the very same basic care issues to
my managers, that there were staff assaulting patients in the
Back then those staff
was disciplined, and some were fired.
Today, 30 years later,
reporting yet again the obvious abuse of patients, now I was fired for making
those reports.
Out of the obvious panic
of exposure at high levels, the smear campaign against me went all the way to
my regulatory College where questions were asked of me and the possibility of
my own professional misconduct. Only grossly fragile, weak, and insecure
cowards would ever put that much effort into ramping up a smear campaign to
such as level.
The elitist Psychiatric
establishment and all their many enablers have spoken.
I have been
kicked out of their ‘Club’ for such basic public advocacy.
Everyone knows that
anyone who challenges the rulers faces their wrath.
I defied Caesar.
I have always fought
cruel oppressors of the vulnerable, who only live for another day of
subjugation of patients and staff when they have the opportunity.
The program is nothing
more than a detention centre where they work to break people's minds and wills.
I am just one more
victim of their misdirected self-rage.
There is widespread
arrogant gloating over my unjust termination
Entirely intolerant of
any dissent
I spoke truth to power,
and my career was terminated. I was terminated.
For many, their base
murderous rage that they have carried inside themselves for years was now
unleashed on an easy target, joining in the opportunity of some vile group
violence where they could more easily hide when the dirty deed is over.
All Narcissists when
threatened do the same thing. Seek vengeance on the perceived enemy. They will,
of course, invent one if need be.
Architects of a head-banging hypocrisy
Highly skilled at all
manners of demonic shaming of others to establish personal superiority and
personal control.
A corporate culture,
that is entirely parasitic on the general public.
They are blind from the
fog of their gross denial of any wrongdoing. The ________ had its share of
perverse and depraved individuals.
Cluster B Personality
Disordered suffers will always do whatever it takes to get what they want.
They are a serious danger to society but of course, that is carefully covered up
to the public. Cover-ups of any wrongdoing by this group are their life-long specialty.
Who are they then?
For starters…… Pompous
asshole pricks
They suffer from massive
depravity at the center core of their identity.
The ____________ involved
hide her perversity, her vengeful urges behind a phoney social mask. She is
dull, rehearsed, and soulless. She is childlike in her level of helplessness
and dependency. Has yet to have an original thought thus far in her life. She failed at her moral and legal duty to report and bring about an honest
This ____________
primary henchmen is the classic workplace Bully supported by the ________ to
inflict harm and suffering on the staff and is rewarded by various bribes and
payouts. The henchman herself remains an arrested child of rage, pretending all these years to be an adult.
____________ involved with ___________ the smear documents was simply a basic
Sloth her entire career, unremarkable in every way. Her ____________ of me was dragged out for over 7 months and was
designed to wear me down and to allow her to keep revising over and over again
my _____________ to provide the _________ necessary to ‘fry me’. Her career consisted of
playing the role of ‘suck up’, a ‘brown nosers patsy’ to other weaklings who
she craved a few crumbs of social status from.
The ____________ who
joined the mob actually worked in a separate unit. What an adolescent he is at
best! Extremely fragile Ego. Total lack of any substantive self-insight or
awareness. Fits well in a context of pervasive ignorance, group think, and
delusional thinking. A good example of a personal and professional
developmental arrested individual.
The other _______________ directly involved with my
case, sold out their souls to the dark desires of their unconscious. Natural
punishment will now follow.
The Progam __________
was an obvious ordinary psychopath. A great fit for this systemic toxic
program. The Progam __________ were vegetative,
cruel opportunists at best.
It was all too easy to
manipulate our _______ to support their ruthless political agenda. The
____________ assigned to my case was a vile little man, an impotent
coward, just another arrogant betrayer of those who pays his salary. Can't
remember his name. I do not need to. He is that irrelevant.
should have been told by the _________ at our initial meeting with them to discuss
our options, that the only thing you are going to get accomplished is that you
are going to get yourself fired. The _____________ on that day instead, did her
nails in front of the 12 people in the meeting. She was the poster child for smugness
and deprived useless indifference.
Deflect, project and
deny, are just a few of their common ego defensive manoeuvres and tactics. As
reflected in literature:
When a developmentally
arrested narcissist is faced with such stressful events as criticism,
withdrawal of praise, or humiliation, the Real Facts involved are often denied,
disavowed, negated, projected or shifted in meaning to prevent a reactive state
of rage, depression, or shame."
(Jon Mardi Horowitz -
Their only ‘raison
d’être’ is “no one will or can ever dare to challenge me”.
I was sacrificed. I
was the token lynching to remind everyone who is the glorious and all-powerful
King or Queen.
I became the ‘Fall Guy’
to distract from the conflicts between various managers to deal with any kind
of reform of this brutal, entirely incompetent and corrupt ____________________
I failed to fit in with
an abusive system. In their twisted world, it makes perfect sense that I
deserve the malicious slander leveled against me all the way to my eventual
Nothing more than a
tyrant lead totalitarian state.
An era of
fraud, more twisted than I ever thought possible.
was pathologicalized so that they could appear normal. I threatened
their shiny public image, their phoney masquerade of respectability.
A reminder of what
Scapegoating is - Scapegoating. The psychological mechanism enables
the malignant narcissist’s lack of empathy to be acceptable and normalized
through various tactics of dehumanization. The other person is no
longer seen as a fellow human deserving of the same respect and dignity we
demand for ourselves. When we depersonalize others, we effectively consign them
to the status of being animals or mere objects, and the reality is that we
slaughter and eat animals for the simple reason that they are not human. When
human beings are stripped of their humanity, the normal moral rules and
constraints that we accord each other no longer apply. We are then free to use
and abuse, kill or torture them in any way that fills and satisfies this inner
void and brings us such pleasure. What can happen then, well there is a long
history of innocent corpses.
I challenged their psychotic
superior status and their swelled egos burst
Well, we all know what
happened when you say ‘No’ to a 2-year-old child.
They attacked and tried
to destroy me to recover some of their so fragile self-esteem.
Their worldview is that
there are only winners and losers.
I was a witness to the
profile of a gang of thugs, all vindictive narcissists. The program lives in a
vacuum of empty principles and values.
Massive exceptions for
themselves, above the Law, bathing in their now proven superiority over victims
like me and by extension of their victimization of the public at large.
The bigotry of “my group
is better.”
The core operating view
of all others is, “are you either for us or against us?”
self-absorbed, self-entitled arrogant bureaucrats
Endless personal
predation of mental health consumers to support their own grandiosity.
I exposed their ugly
truth about themselves, something a habitual liar fears and hates the most.
I simply refused to be
silent and complicit anymore with a colleague and program that condoned and
enabled serial patient abuses and malpractice.
The program did not
support my ethical practice.
The list of those who
are now complicit in this malevolence has only grown, since our first report
three years ago. They are all very willing to carry out the smear campaign, the
abuse by proxy of the Power Narcissists behind the scenes using them as vacant
puppets and lapdogs.
All benefited in
resolving their envy towards me which was one of the main triggers of their
narcissistic injury/rage in the first place.
Many stepped up to the
plate and became a willing minions to get in on the pleasure and for some, the
sheer joy at seeing the helpless harmed.
The only thing that's
important now is damage control, protecting reputations, and continuing to discredit
and marginalize my reputation so that they can continue to live their fantasies,
aka Delusional Disordered lives.
They will continue to
discredit and defame me as they must silence my Truth, aka THE TRUTH.
They prefer delusional
living over the Truth. Very sick and Disturbed Minds indeed. They were
grandiose enough to believe that they were truly my Master and I was only their
Slave. Enslavement of others is their MO.
On the other hand, I
have never been better. There is nothing sweeter than Freedom from the sadistic
controls of a Narcissist, their minions and many enablers. Gratitude, Growth,
Creativity and Joy are now My World.
The mental health of the
citizens of this area will continue to be stolen from them in servitude by
these same twisted, depraved Egos that are gleefully devouring them with the
systemic power imbalances they have carefully constructed to always serve themselves
first and fiercely defend it at the expense at whatever group they target to
I still receive threats
of litigation for speaking up and speaking out. I have absolutely no fear of
their threats against me. They have many crony legal hangers-on who want in on
the malice as well. They too crave the perverse joy of being part of someone
else’s destruction.
Isn’t that what those
who suffer from a Personality/Character Disorder all have in common at their
core, the base impulse of Hated has run amuck? They are now dangerous as
they are grossly irrational, chaotic and impulsive, all trapped in the Mirror.
My prayers go out to the
many, many victims of this predatory and grossly self-absorbed arrogant
program, and the empty “Yes” men and women that were so easily manipulated and
Expect the very worse of
the demonic from them, their painful retribution if ever your compassion and
professionalism gets the best of you and you stand up and stand for protecting
the basic rights and dignities of others that are in your care, under your
watch. Institutional Bullies are very cruel and dangerous but as fragile,
insecure and pathetic an individual as it gets.
If you have been the scapegoat
target by either an individual narcissist or a group of narcissists from a
violent mobbing experience at work, find support and become informed of this dark
Evil that dwells in them. There are many excellent sites and resources on the
See other Blog articles
– A Bully in the Workplace – Basic Concepts / Workplace Bullying – Nature and
Characteristics / The Grandiose False Self
Dated - July 4th 2018
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