Narcissistic Friday –
April 14 2015
Great work on such an
important topic. Enmeshment (poor boundaries) is at the core of developing yet
another Narcissistic child. The N parent projects their Grandiose Self, their
Self- Idealizing self onto the blank slate of the innocent child. Through
extension, and forced identification they are able to get back from the child –
mirror effect – Narcissistic fuel to support their own Grandiose Self they had
before the child was born. The most tragic figure in the Narcissus
myth is not Narcissus, who dies from his self- absorption, but Echo who dies from
never having been loved by Narcissus. Both never found true Love. These
children of Narcissists are simply being enslaved to “Echo” the grandiosity of
the Narcissistic parents. A relationship with the Divine is the only way to
break free from an enmeshment with either a close N parent, N family system or
within a cult-like Narcissistic larger social group. Some have said that
Satan is always trying to destroy our
True Identity, our True Selves. Great work… so glad I discovered your
blog. God bless.
Narcissistic Friday Blog
Such a great blog and will definitely be invaluable to those who have struggled to find the Truth after a childhood of duplicity and deception by the Narcissistic Family they were born into. The three main defences all narcissists use are denial, projection, and rationalization. Remember, every criminal truly believes that he is innocent of any crimes or wrongdoing, well, that's exactly who you're up against here. Wellness finally comes when they can take back their projections, their projected self. Each and every time they are critical of you simply say to yourself what they're saying to me and about me is actually entirely about them.
Projection is our attempt to split off and disown those unacceptable parts of who we are and convince ourselves that they are actually in somebody else and not us. You mentioned a very common variant of their false self, manipulative defensive strategies by playing the victim role, the poor me role. Their tale of woe will always be dramatic, embellished and exaggerated in keeping with their essential grandiose self. Sadly, it was the only way they could get any of their dependency needs to be met in the past. Now, as an adult, they continue to con and manipulate others to get their dependency needs met. They're always on the hunt for another fix, as they are addicts. People finally grow up, mature and become adults when they finally bring their dependency needs and lay them before our Lord, then we are at last truly free of all these toxic dependencies in this world, Satan's kingdom, instead of finding everything we truly need, the fulfilment of all of our dependency needs in God's Kingdom. Keep up the great work.
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