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Narcissistic Individuals and N Groups are the same Villains

The Greatest Show on Earth – the Narcissist’s façade or false self! The impenetrable wall behind that MASK and the rage that protects it!
If you have ever tried to understand, empathize, or even help a Narcissist, you know it is futile because the closer you get to the truth or the heart of the ANY problem or matter at hand, the closer you get to things blowing up in your face and perhaps being raged at. The Narcissist doesn’t want their issues to be solved, they prefer to blame others for their problems – THEY HAVE NO ISSUES, you and I are the ones that have issues! No matter how viable or good your concern or solution may be, or how much unconditional love and support you offer - when you share it with a Narcissist, they will either dismiss it, find reasons why it doesn’t work or say the true problem lies elsewhere. It is their defense mechanism or denial as well as a diversion tactic. Blame energizes them and keeps them at a distance from the reality of their true issues. They are truly on a different wavelength than normal people of empathy and unconditional love, so trying to find a cohesive understanding concerning their actions and trying to communicate to them is like speaking a foreign language that they don’t understand and never will.
Some people believe that sending or giving unconditional love will help, but here’s the thing, Narcissists don’t want or know unconditional love so any attempt to give it to them is futile. Unconditional love requires openness and honesty and there is pure denial when it comes to a Narcissist and their ‘real self’ or better yet there is NO REAL SELF. There is a confabulation of a Frankenstein type monster that are just bits and pieces of behaviors they learned along the way but they definitely can NOT function in our world without the facade. That is why they create the façade because it hides the truth of who they are so they can function in this world and reap the benefits they harvest from other human beings.
Having a ‘real self’ requires facing fears, feeling difficult emotions and being open to change. In the Narcissist’s mind, these are all awful things that are to be avoided at all costs because the truth of what they lack would totally DESTROY their weak ego. This is why they are addicted to so much attention and adulation to support and sheer up that façade because it is basically a matter of life and death. They fill that empty void with external options to make up for the lack of internalization or basically the ability to have emotions, bonding, or loving another. They are expertly adept at imitating these emotions because by doing so it is a means to an end with them having their needs fulfilled. Without these basic abilities they are cut off at the knees to form any type of REAL human bond so they have to constantly search out alternatives to fill that deep empty void. Even with this external stimulation they are never satisfied because what they seek is always superficial and they become bored easily so they are out there searching for more and more BUT never feeling satisfied. This is what creates their out of control lifestyle or addiction to find more and more supply. We are not any part of the equation as an individual because we are objectified for whatever external aspects we have to offer. They HAVE to find many sources of supply to avert connecting with the truth about themselves because the truth could destroy them. They must also protect their truth at all costs to avoid exposure about their ‘disconnect’ with real life because it would also destroy them by defining who and what they are. The outcome of this is always the blame, shame and rage they displace onto their targets/victims. They are not just pathological liars to us they also are pathological liars to themselves because they believe their own lies! They are hoarders of supply and need it constantly and get it through external vices. Nothing is ever internalized within them such as love or bonding. This is fact and not any type of fiction – they only reinforce what serves THEM so understanding this identifies that our purpose is basically to serve them or fulfill a specific need. Unfortunately we believe it is authentic because that is part of their façade that traps us in as viable supply or the charm and love bombing.
So, when it comes to helping Narcissists, every time it seems you are getting somewhere, you are faced with a new and impenetrable wall and even rage for stepping over their endless boundaries that protect their facade. They want to stay behind it and they will never let you penetrate that wall because they know how ugly it is on their side. It’s not your fault that you cannot be loved by them, they were never available for real love in the first place but they pretend to be that charming person to secure their needs. You were just believing in them which is a normal reaction to loving or caring for another person in your life. Unfortunately you did not know that this person was a Narcissist and abusive. Our empathy is at a loss with these creatures and it often times blinds us from the real truth about them.
The best thing to do is to let them be who they are and move on or better yet go ‘no contact!’ If you can’t seem to move on, ask yourself what you are hoping to receive in return knowing that they can’t change or better yet won’t change? What do you still want from them and have you ever received this from them in the past? What would you need to do or give and give up for them and is it worth it? Since the person in question is resistant to change (as you have already experienced accompanied by a lot of rage and grief), what are the chances that your relationship will EVER change in the way that you want it to? How many chances are you willing to give to only experience the same results and how much of yourself are you going to give up in the process because a Narcissist will take it all. No or minimal contact is the only way to escape the damage! 


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