- Worked 36 years for these types of disordered individuals What makes a manager a Bad Boss 1 . 37% reported: The Manager provides little direction. 2. 21% said The Manager micromanages or "nit-picks." 3. 15% said, The manager belittles and puts down staff. 4. 12% said, Little or no recognition for success or hard work. 5. 8% said, The manager is indecisive and seemingly changes direction at whim. Bad bosses, in order of their frequency in the survey, do the following. Love brown nosers, tattletales, and relatives who report to them. They choose favourite employees and cover-up and make excuses for the poor work of their incompetent favourites. They ignore selected people and discriminate against many employees. Fail to communicate, and may not even have expectations, timelines or goals. Bad bosses change their minds frequently leaving employees off-balance. Bad bosses change expectations and deadlines frequently. Use disciplinary measures inappropria...