Bully Abuse Tactics within an Organizations
They recruit management and any other member
within the organization to do his
bidding. He will use them to tempt,
convince, communicate, threaten, and otherwise manipulate his target, within
the abuse triangle. He
controls the gullible and unsuspecting
by various means. Once he has ‘scored’ the desired political points these
By-Standers now cooperate in his abusive agendas.
They are used as bargaining chips or leverage. This is Abuse by Proxy. A common tactic used is that they (now a minion) are instructed and encouraged by the abuser to shun the victim, (the scapegoat), criticize and inflict on them various forms of ambient (covert) or overt abuse.
They are used as bargaining chips or leverage. This is Abuse by Proxy. A common tactic used is that they (now a minion) are instructed and encouraged by the abuser to shun the victim, (the scapegoat), criticize and inflict on them various forms of ambient (covert) or overt abuse.
Life is a game
to him. A prime motivator running through his life is to see how much he can
get away with.
The victim's prey are those that are emotional dependent in some way on him. They are easily amenable to his considerable charm, persuasiveness, and manipulativeness. He can easily and does offer a plausible rendition of the events and interprets them to his favor. The victims are only driven more "crazy" which is exactly the covert abuser goal.
When a third party is asked to judge ‘mental fitness’ between a polished, self-controlled, and suave abuser and his harried casualties the most common assessment is that the victim is the abuser and hence the phenomena of ‘blame the victim’, or that both parties abuse each other equally. The prey's acts of self-defense, assertiveness, or insistence on her rights are interpreted as aggression, liability, or that they obviously have a mental health problem”. The victim is viewed as the ‘first cause’ of the behaviorally chain of events that ‘caused the abuser to abuse’.
He attempts to perverts all the relational systems their victims come in contact with- therapists, marriage counselors, mediators, court-appointed guardians, police officers, and judges.
He tries very hard to recruit them to pathologicalize the victim as well. The fear of course is to prevent empowerment of the victim. His manipulative/ abusive power game is up if he is ever exposed and rejected. This is of course his greatest fear.
Abusers like him are insatiable and vindictive. They always feel deprived and unfairly treated. They always have core paranoid and sadistic elements. If he fails to continue to be successful in his manipulation of his children , the emotional immature, those 'suckers' in his 'camp' into abusing by proxy he will quickly turn on them and become aggressive and target them as enemies as well in order to get back control and superiority.
The victim's prey are those that are emotional dependent in some way on him. They are easily amenable to his considerable charm, persuasiveness, and manipulativeness. He can easily and does offer a plausible rendition of the events and interprets them to his favor. The victims are only driven more "crazy" which is exactly the covert abuser goal.
When a third party is asked to judge ‘mental fitness’ between a polished, self-controlled, and suave abuser and his harried casualties the most common assessment is that the victim is the abuser and hence the phenomena of ‘blame the victim’, or that both parties abuse each other equally. The prey's acts of self-defense, assertiveness, or insistence on her rights are interpreted as aggression, liability, or that they obviously have a mental health problem”. The victim is viewed as the ‘first cause’ of the behaviorally chain of events that ‘caused the abuser to abuse’.
He attempts to perverts all the relational systems their victims come in contact with- therapists, marriage counselors, mediators, court-appointed guardians, police officers, and judges.
He tries very hard to recruit them to pathologicalize the victim as well. The fear of course is to prevent empowerment of the victim. His manipulative/ abusive power game is up if he is ever exposed and rejected. This is of course his greatest fear.
Abusers like him are insatiable and vindictive. They always feel deprived and unfairly treated. They always have core paranoid and sadistic elements. If he fails to continue to be successful in his manipulation of his children , the emotional immature, those 'suckers' in his 'camp' into abusing by proxy he will quickly turn on them and become aggressive and target them as enemies as well in order to get back control and superiority.
A two headed
snake who's only interest is to slitter up the organizational chart, reserving his
aggression and brutality for the persons below him. They will defame the reputation of the targets
below them to boost their own self-image
and ego. They will spread rumors and engineer
"divide and conquer" schemes within the work teams to try to turn workers against each other.
Their version of events is always believed in when the targets perspective is always dismissed, discounted.
They are the
gatekeepers obsessed with control. He has now controls the information and
staffing to ensure the team's failure. His only
interest is ensuring he maximizes
his self-serving interest of optimizing his overtime.
Further Characteristics:
Various use of Abuse of power tactics.
Disrupt and destroys historical loyalties.
"Baits" through provocative behaviours.
Blame the victim through fabrication of the facts.
He is encouraging the employer and employee to engage in adversarial
interactions and destructive conflict in which there will be no winner’s, only
He gains gratification for manipulating then watching others destroy
each other.
Compulsive lying, frequent use of charm to gain plausibility.
Professional blackmail. Has likely gathered facts / liabilities on the
doctors that he can use against them or threaten them if he needs to.
Once conflict has been initiated, he
gains increased gratification by exploiting individuals instinctive need
to defend themselves which he then can label ‘harassment’ now against himself,
gain supporters for his version of reality and them justify further abuse of
power to control those ‘individuals that are now out of control”. Classic blame the victim.
Adept at reflecting all accusations and attempts at accountability back
onto his accusers.
Exploits everyone who has vulnerability.
Creates an environment where levels of denial are so great that those
involved are oblivious of their denials when presented with the facts.
This type of Bully’s leaves behind them a trail of dysfunctional
One would likely find that he has a history of such behaviors in other
Overly friendly with new targets, overly helpful. Uses flattery to keep
people in authority on his side.
Supported by line manager.
He’s overconfident because he fully expects to get away with his
Gains gratification from encouraging intergroup strife.
There is increasing employer liabilities for his behavior.
Recruitment of supporters (now dependents) through favoritism.
Gains gratification from provocations of others into emotional
irrational responses but is then quick to claim he has been provoked by others
when challenged.
When challenged, he fabricates.
Poorly defined moral and ethical boundaries.
Fuelled only by self-interest, hiding behind the employer.
Uses inappropriate and unprofessional sarcasm.
Unwilling to conform to the nurse’s code of conduct and professional
practice standards.
Becomes very indignant, especially when challenged.
Charming, especially those who are capable of protecting or enhancing
his political position on the unit.
Excels in evasion of accountability.
He work very hard, at being the gatekeeper of information on the unit.
Gives perks and privileges to the politically weak, particularly those
with little experience, on the unit by offering them positions of power and
influence. Now they will have to pay off this debt to him.
Quickly has identified those individuals essential to his survival on
the unit and then began to manipulate them and making them feel special and
thus obliged to reciprocate when support and protection is required.
Has successfully manipulated our doctors, one in particular into covering for him to
the point where now she is unwilling or unable to expose him, has increasingly become trapped as a pawn in his overall abuse strategy.
Creates an environment with a level of denial is so great that those
involved are oblivious when presented with the self-evident facts.
Leaves behind a trail of dysfunctional units.
Skillful at identifying, undermining, discrediting, neutralizing and
destroying anyone who directly challenges him.
Easily manipulated unit manager to acting as an agent of harassment for
his own vendettas.
Gains gratification provoking others into engaging in adversarial
Once conflict has been initiated, he gains increased gratification by
exploiting individual’s instincts in their need to retaliate; this is achieved
by encouraging and escalating people’s adversarial conflict to mutually assured
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