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Characteristics of Covert Narcissistic Managers

 Characteristics of  Covert Narcissistic leaders

Characteristics of ineffective leadership /   abusive leadership / destructive leadership / toxic managers,
 Destructive leadership is repeated behaviors by the leaders that violate the legitimate interests of the organization as well as the employees of the organizational. This can involve behaviors directed towards those subordinates as well as towards the organizational code of conduct and goals. Overall it degrades the organizational effectiveness.
 Characteristics as Manager
1.       Lack of character and integrity
2.       Passive, avoidant, absence approach to her leadership
3.       Craves undeserved respect and attention.
4.       Hides her incompetence, talentless  and ineffectiveness behind other competent professionals
5.       Poor interpersonal skills
6.       Unable to developed trust relationships with team members
7.       Self-serving nature
8.       Lacks focus and follow through, results in chronic underperformance
9.       Arbitrary directives
10.   Vagueness  of values, vision of unit goals
11.   Disconnect from the team. Not engaged  on the unit
12.   Unwillingness to be  accountable
13.   Plays favorites
14.   Creates targets to use  as scapegoats for her own ineffectiveness
15.   Develops unhealthy, co-dependent relationships with one or two subordinates
16.   Public criticisms of staff
17.   Creates a climate of distrust, disloyalty, low morale
18.   Lacks empathy
19.   Fails to learn from mistakes or from feedback from staff
20.   Duplicitous conduct and a sense of being above the law
21.   Can  become embroiled in ethical scandals and retaliatory responses
22.   When challenged will deny and project blame,  portraying herself as competent and professional regardless of the multiple witnesses and evidence to the contrary.
23.   Easily manipulated and controlled by a serial bully within the organization


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